Monday, March 30, 2009

Lady GaGa / The Fame

1. Just Dance (10/10)

I loooove this song, and this was definitely a fabulous debut single for Lady GaGa, the sound has become massively popular, and this song is just def killer. The beats are freaking awesome, and the voices of GaGa's friends are portrayed as well. This entire song is VERY catchy, it's a song you just can't hate. :) Great job

2. LoveGame (9/10)
I like this song, it has a great catchy chorus, and beats to die for. This song is a great example for single.

3. Paparazzi (5/10)
No, I don't really like this song. Too many weird beeps and bops, I did not really like it. The verses also don't go with the chorus. None of it makes sense. Sorry, GaGa.

4. Poker Face (10/10)
Fantastic song! Sexy, daring, and downright brilliant. Best single on the record so far. Verses are sexy, and I like the effect of the verses as well. The chorus is amazing, and showcases GaGa's striking vocals. The ending rap is also likable, adds a hot touch to the song. Fantastic :) (Also, check out the Space Cowboy remix of this song, it's better than the original)

5. Eh, Eh (3/10)
Eh, eh, there's nothing else I can say.

6. Beautiful Dirty Rich (9.5/10)
VERY sexy, as well as the sexy music video. Should've been third single.

7. The Fame (10/10)
Cherry cherry BOOM BOOM! You know what they say, the title track of an album is always the best. I love this song with a passion, and everyone else should to. Awesome chorus, btw. *cough*fourthsingle*cough* ;)

8. Money Honey (6/10)
Honey, money won't help out this song. It's okay, I'll give it that, definitely not a hit-screamer like others. That's D-E-C-E-N-T.

9. Starstruck (10/10)
This track is SCREAMING TO BE A SINGLE! Although a bonus track on International editions, this song definitely proves what GaGa has, a hit. A definite undiscovered hit. VERY SEXY.

10. Boys Boys Boys (9.5/10)
I like you a lot lot, think you're really hot hot. Great track, I like it a lot. Delicious.

11. Paper Gangsta (10/10)
This song definitely has potential to be a single, although not as 'bright' as others, that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. Yes, GaGa has a tendency to do horrible with slow songs, but this one is definitely not like the others. The chorus catches up with the song, and tops it all off. This song is a hit-screamer as well, and probably will do successful if chosen as a single. I'm not sure that this may be a radio-hit as Just Dance or Poker Face, but hey it'll do better than Eh, Eh. Love this song GaGa, great job.

12. Brown Eyes (0/10)
No no no no no no. I'm disappointed with you Lady! :(

13. I Like It Rough (6/10)
Erm, this song is okay, probably not as catchy as the others, but fits in with the album.

14. Summerboy (0/10)
No no no no no no. Yet, another disappointment. :(

Calculated Grade:

Average Grade:

The Fame is FULL of potential hits and singles, but some were just decent, and even some were just horrible. I expect the remainder of the singles to be picked from this album wisely. But other than that, good job GaGa. Great debut. :)


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